Vila Nova de Gaia Low-carbon Strategy sets the strategic orientations for a transition to a low-carbon and sustainable economy with the aim to reduce carbon in 7002,6 ton/CO2 by 2023, compared to 2005 levels;

The Portuguese Climate Plan established a strategical Climate Policy for the period 2020-2030, doing the integration with the National Program for Climate Changes 2020/2030 (PNAC 2020/2030) and the National Strategic of Adaptation to the Climate Changes 2020 (ENAAC 2020);

The European Union established in the White Paper of Public Transport the goal in reducing 60% the emissions the GHG of Transport sector until 2050, establishing the necessity of eliminate from circulation in Europe the vehicles diesel and petrol until 2050, reducing the number in half, already until 2030


The LOCARBO project, a Regional Action Plan, looks forward to achieving the development of best practices to prepare the rational use of energy, the reduction of GHG emissions of mobility and accelerate the sector’s ecological transition. The municipality joined the Covenant of Mayors  in 2009.

The municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia is already replacing old vehicles, with cleaner ones, meaning to prepare the future orientation on mobility and accelerate the sector’s ecological transition participatory and open approach to identifying the needs and priorities for the transport policy.