Call to all parties of the UNFCCC to Invest in Training
10.000 Active Mobility Professionals

Sign the call!



Improving conditions for walking and cycling is one of the best investments in public health, road safety, people moving capacity of city streets and emission reductions for the transportation sector. However, many cities with ambitions in active mobility can’t find appropriate funding streams for the required investment. At the same time, local governments lack the technical expertise to properly plan, design, build, maintain, operate and promote sustainable urban mobility systems to global best practice standards. To remedy this problem, we call on all parties to the UNFCCC and global financial institutions to invest $100 million in the training of 10 000 mobility professionals in the planning, design, operations and promotion of walking and cycling. By training 10 000 mobility professionals in the next ten years, we build a local knowledge base and create a pipeline of projects to ensure sustained, high quality investment in active mobility at a global scale.  This can be achieved through the foundation of regional centers of excellence in active mobility. Places where local governments can find the required funding streams and gain unencumbered access to global (and regional) best practice.


Who Can Sign it?

We explicitly invite cities, regions and countries, Global Financial Organisations and knowledge providers such as universities, NGO’s and private corporations. As a reflection of the importance of Active Mobility Capacity Building, we ask that the call be signed by a senior official (CEO, Programme Manager, Mayor, Professor, or Head of Transportation) who is knowledgeable and dedicated to Active Mobility. 

Process to Sign the Call to Action

Please download the call to action here and fill up the following form where you will be able to upload the Call to Action signed up by your organisation representative

Please note: Signatures received after 15 November, 2022 can’t be included in the presentation at COP27


Call to all parties of the UNFCCC to Invest in Training 10.000 Active Mobility Professionals

Signed by

Thank you for signing the Call!