Costa Rica’s Decarbonisation National Plan (PND) celebrates two years since its launch

Costa Rica’s PND was presented in February 2019 as a roadmap to scale up sustainability in Costa Rica. It includes actions in public mobility, private transport, cargo transport, electricity, buildings, industry, waste management, agriculture, livestock and nature-based solutions.

This year, Costa Rica celebrates two years since the PND’s launch, with 90.7% of the 2022 goals in progress and 25% already completed.

It is an ambitious and inspirational plan that within its short, medium and long-term goals and actions for the decarbonisation of Costa Rica’s economy involves actions focused on transport decarbonisation as follows:

-Development of a mobility system based on safe, efficient and renewable public transport, and on active mobility schemes.

-Transformation of the light vehicle fleet to zero emissions, powered by renewable energy, not of fossil origin.

-Promotion of cargo transport that adopts modalities, zero or lowest emission energy sources and technologies possible.

-Consolidation of the national electricity system with capacity,flexibility, intelligence and resilience necessary to supply and manage renewable energy at a competitive cost.

Nowadays, 38 public entities, private companies and international cooperation reported actions in favor of the mentioned objectives, among which are government institutions, private companies, civil society, municipalities, autonomous institutions, and others. Some of  the achievements that have been fulfilled thanks to the actions taken during the last year are mainly related to the sustainable mobility and public transport, zero-emission light transport, zero-emission freight transport, renewable electric energy at competitive cost, sustainable and low-emission buildings, low-emission industrial sector, comprehensive waste management, low-carbon agri-food systems, livestock model low emissions, territory management with nature-based solutions.

Costa Rica being a small country, is making a big difference by showing the world that it has the leadership to face climate change and giving a good example about how to do it. Costa Rica is leading the way!