France’s First Hybrid Electric-Diesel-Battery is Ready to Run
Alstom,, CAF (Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles), and SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français) have jointly declared the successful completion of testing for France‘s inaugural hybrid electric-diesel-battery regional train on the Toulouse-Mazamet and Toulouse-Rodez lines in the southern region of the country.
The purpose of these tests was to assess the performance of the hybrid train under actual operational conditions, adhering to the schedule of a commercial service.
Concluding on 14th June, this final phase of testing proved to be a success. Once the necessary authorizations for passenger transport are granted by the Etablissement Public de Sécurité Ferroviaire (EPSF), the train is expected to commence commercial service later this year.
France’s upcoming regional train, the Régiolis, is set to become the country’s pioneer in utilising batteries for propulsion, marking a significant leap in sustainable transportation.
Initiated in 2018 by the SNCF Group and Alstom, the hybridization project aims to curtail energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It introduces an innovative solution that enables the conversion of SNCF’s current thermal fleet to hybrid drives without necessitating modifications to the rail infrastructure.
With this achievement, the hybrid train is set to enter commercial service later this year. This significant milestone marks a notable advancement in promoting a greener and more sustainable future for rail transportation in France.