New cycleway in Quelimane: a success story of cooperation between Portugal and this African city
On 22 February 2022 and as result of TDA city and country members cooperation: Portugal and Quelimane signed a protocol where Portugal consented to offer technical and financial support to build Quelimane cycleway through the international cooperation efforts of the Environmental Fund. As a result of this agreement, 2 kilometres will be added to Quelimane Cycleway, currently constituted for 3.6 kilometres.
Mr. João Pedro Matos Fernandes, Minister for Environment and Climate Action of Portugal, highlighted Quelimane’s ambition to be the “Green Capital City of Africa” and its commitment to transport decarbonisation through measures as improving the safety of users, installing traffic lights to regulate traffic and building this bike path.
On the other hand, Mr. Manuel Araújo, Mayor of Quelimane celebrated the realisation of what he recalls “a dream” pursued since the beginning of his governance period back in 2011. This project tends to motivate locals to choose their bikes as their preferred transport mode to go around the city. Opt for this transport mode will improve Quelimane’s people’s health and will help prevent climate change.
At the TDA we celebrate this action taken by two of our founding members and the significant impact of their initiatives in favour of the decarbonisation of transport.