Paris, France, the 2023 Sustainable Transport Award (STA) Winner
France is making significant efforts to reduce carbon emissions generated by the transport sector before mid-century. A clear sign of this is Paris, France, recently being named as the 2023 Sustainable Transport Award (STA) winner for a second time.
This award recognizes Paris’ progress over 2022 in improving its transportation and urban development models with policies that promote sustainability, accessibility, and inclusion.
In terms of sustainable mobility in 2022 Paris adopted new updates to its citywide cycling plan that capitalises on the surge in cycling that arose during the pandemic. Plan Vélo 2021-2026 aims to turn temporrary lanes created during the pandemic into permanent infrastructure, while also adding over 130 kilometres of protected lanes to the city’s existing Vélopolitain network.
France is committed to improving air quality by opting for sustainable means of transport and will continue working on strategies that assure a better future for all.