Mobycon works  every day on sustainable mobility solutions such as 

Traffic in the City Workshop, Rotterdam 

Using the “traffic in the city” methodology Mobycon helped develop for ANWB New Mobility Study, coordinated workshops for the Municipality of Rotterdam as a part of the redesign in the Nieuwed Binnenweg. Using Polaroids, residents, entrepreneurs and municipal staff collected images that represented possible visions and desire outcomes of the public space redesign.

Winnipeg Walk Bike Projects

Mobycon helped facilitate a number of engagement events for the City of Winnipeg’s Walk Bike Projects. Using design chartered and workshops, local stakeholders came together to work through various challenges in the existing network. Pop-up Bike Lanes were also installed as examples of how protected facilities work and to collect feedback from residents and business owners to inform future development.

Cycle Training in Scottish Schools

Cycling Scotland was looking to improve the quality of cycle training available to school-aged children. Mobycon performed an inventory of existing programming in Scotland as well as examples from the Netherlands, Belgium and the US, creating recommendations for future programming to ultimately increase the number of students cycling to and from schools.

Cycle Training Capacity Building

For several municipalities in the Netherlands, Mobycon has provided advice, planning and strategy development to help cities facilitate programming to teach people how to safely rode a bike. Mobycon cooperates with them to create policies that examine where needs exists, funding opportunities available and even train the trainer programs to build internal capacity to run programming.