Talanoa Dialogue
For Climate Ambition
At the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP 23) in November 2017, Parties endorsed the “Talanoa Dialogue” – an inclusive, participatory and transparent process based on a Fijian traditional approach to discussion to be held throughout 2018 to take stock of the adequacy of climate action against country pledges and explore options for enhanced action with support from non-Party actors, opening new opportunities for the global transport community in the months ahead.
TDA Members were active in the day-long Talanoa Dialogues held on 6th May 2018 during the Bonn Climate Change Conference. SLoCaT Interim Secretary General Holger Dalkmann spoke on behalf of the TDA on Question 2 “Where do we want to go” in one of the 7 parallel dialogues. Other TDA Members such as Luxemburg and the Netherlands also addresses transport in their interventions. Many thanks to TDA colleagues for facilitating contacts with their negotiating teams to help spread the TDA messages.
Transport was mentioned in most rooms in each session. Israel gave significant attention to transport – providing details of the toll road in Tel Aviv – with the revenues dedicated to transport improvements. Gabon spoke of car users as an example of the contrasts between those destroying the climate – and those in Gabon living in poverty and suffering the consequences of Climate Change. Latvia shared its biofuels obligation, vehicle inspections and public procurement.
For more information, please see the official input submitted by the TDA to the Talanoa Dialogue.