Tevva is a world leader in electric commercial vehicle technologies and has developed a range of proprietary products, software and technologies that can be packaged in Tevva’s own eTruck or integrated into other OEM vehicles. Tevva is leading the way in fleet electrification, offering products that deliver immediate environmental, economic and commercial benefits.
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- Tevva has developed advanced E-truck technologies that are available in its own truck range, as well as to OEM’s for integration onto their platforms.
- Tevva recently announced the development of advanced technologies with UPS which has resulted in a first order of 15 Range Extended Electric Vehicles by UPS being deployed in the UK. The full story, the Press Release and a Video are all available here:
- At the heart of Tevva’s unique offering are its core proprietary technical innovations. These are patented and protected technologies that deliver superior performance with no compromise necessary on cost, range or payload. What that means in practice is that all of Tevva’s technologies are economically and commercially viable, appealing to operators and OEM’s alike, offering clear environmental advantages and enabling more electric miles to be delivered.
- Tevva is an active member of ALICE-EU supporting logistics innovations across Europe with a wide range of industry partners, and participating in key working groups such as the ALICE-POLIS Urban Freight & Logistics, Industries & Cities Strategic Dialogue Group whose vision is to lead transformation in cities so urban freight and logistics is proactively responding to the pollution, congestion, safety and environmental challenges.
- Tevva is an active participant in the Commercial Vehicle Working Group part of, The low carbon vehicle partnership (LowCVP). The role of CVWG is to actively support the UK Department for Transport’s growing freight carbon reduction agenda in conjunction with the Road To Zero Strategy’s objectives related to commercials vehicles.
- Members of LoCity helping more organisations switch to cleaner fuels, providing useful tools for fleet managers to make informed choices on vehicles and technologies to support a low carbon future.
- Tevva is a founding member of the VALUABLE Batteries Consortium. The Value Chain and Battery Lifecycle Exploitation (VALUABLE – 104182) project is aiming to develop commercially viable metrology and testing processes, along with new supply chain concepts for the recycling, reuse and remanufacturing of automotive lithium-ion batteries.
- Tevva is working with global leaders in logistics, fleet operators, cities and stakeholder groups to demonstrate the practical deployment of e trucks across a wide range of duty cycles in different sectors.